Tuesday 4 October 2011

nearly finished, i think

25th September, after using glue and acrylic paint to darken the corona.

October 4th, just now.
I've been pulling and peeling bits of the gluey paint off here and there and i covered the bottom section in tissue paper and glue. When it was dry i smeared various yellows over the top, rubbing it in sometimes. I made the fabulous peacocky, labradorite blue on the right hand side (as you look) last week with Prussian, French Ultramarine (Green Shade, W+N), and Cerulean. (I hope you can see it - i've only just realized i'd mis-calibrated my screen and it wasn't showing at my end until i put it back to Adobe RGB.)
   This afternoon i felt the fizz of possibility that this painting has arrived at the beginning of the end. And for me, it will mark the end of the beginning.


  1. Nice work! i guess u should start sharing them at artist in blogland linky party, i love it there...

  2. Hello Hellopalz! Thankyou very much. I shall have a look.
