On March the 2nd i opened my shop on Etsy! This is the start of my big push for financial independence and elevated self-esteem, better late than never at all. I am challenged in the mental 'elf department which has meant that for the last few years i haven't needed to work, thanks to our excellent social welfare system. I have had a welcome break from the washing-up and cleaning jobs which kept me going, by the skin of my teeth, in the past. However, changes are afoot and David Cameron and co. may soon be leading me and other ill equipped people back to the grind-stone so i thought the most sensible thing for me to do would be to attempt to be my own boss. That way, when a week-long fit of the vapours occurs, i don't risk losing another job, or Boris and Morse ringing CatLine on me, i only risk having to go a bit faster on the sewing machine when the fog has cleared - i think it will suit me fine.
As long as i have some customers!
Here are the future customers' future bears so far:
Greatest achievement of the week: i cracked claw embroidering! |
It was hard, putting the first two up. It felt like adoption of the worst kind, for money! So, as i said to my friend Andy, i am trying to see myself as the bears' midwife rather than Mother. A kind of feminized version of a Hans Andersen-type toy maker illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Oh, i can feel a new self-portrait coming on! I have decided to offer free arcto-veterinary after-care and to ask for a photograph of the bears in their new homes.
they're such happy bears - caught them doing the conga the other day! |