Sunday 26 June 2011

introducing HRH Queenie Poppet Anderson

My Mother visited last week (a kind of reunion, it has to be said, as we had not been in touch for a decade), and she brought me an 8 week old Tortoiseshell kitten, produced by her Calico cat, Rosie.
   Here she is!

 had to scrabble after her under a table and use the flash on her first evening

                 relaxed in Boris' bed under the telly. Boris furious.

                                          Bobbie is a devoted nanny

Go to the bureau, Queenie: find the papers from Cairo....and burn them..

                                                like a young Lauren Bacall

                                          turret exploration


  1. She is beautiful - lovely photos!!! :)

  2. thank you Anja! Yes she really is a little wonder. I took her outside for the first time today - she enjoyed the undergrowth behind the greenhouse and Stiggy went over and licked her as if she was his own kitten. x
