So much for all my talk of departing from the orb paintings last Autumn... Having over-Wintered at the sewing machine and then spent cosy Spring evenings learning to crochet (well, we didn't really have a Spring - just a very, very long Winter and now, a sudden Summer), i have, for the last 4 or 5 weeks, been enjoying afternoons with an abstract red canvas.
4th May |
11th May |
18th May |
25th May |
This poor old canvas was begun in
I have not begun a figurative panting.
But i do think the orbs have become spirals! Which must be a loosening of some kind.
In Knitting News, a name cushion for Kelly's sister Catherine is under construction.
It's the longest name i've ever knitted!
I love that painting :) and the name cushion is amazing! XO